Hamatora The Animation
Hamatora (ハマトラ?, lit. "Beach Tiger") is a Japanese mixed-media project. The project began with a manga series written by Yukino Kitajima and Yūki Kodama as the character designer, while Yū Wazu is adapting the design to the illustration. The manga started serialization in Shueisha's Young Jump magazine in November 2013. An anime television series by the studio Naz premiered on TV Tokyo and ran for twelve episodes between January 7 and March 25, 2014. Additionally, a role-playing game titled Hamatora: Look at Smoking World developed by FuRyu will be released in July 2014.
The series takes place in the year 2014 when selected humans called Minimum Holders have been discovered to possess supernatural abilities. The story focuses on Minimum Holders—Nice and Murasaki who form a detective agency called "Hamatora" based in the Nowhere Café in Yokohama. The anime stars Ryōta Ōsaka, Wataru Hatano, Emiri Katō, Kiyono Yasuno, Jun Fukuyama, and Yuichi Nakamura among others.
Hamatora (ハマトラ?, lit. "Beach Tiger") is a Japanese mixed-media project. The project began with a manga series written by Yukino Kitajima and Yūki Kodama as the character designer, while Yū Wazu is adapting the design to the illustration. The manga started serialization in Shueisha's Young Jump magazine in November 2013. An anime television series by the studio Naz premiered on TV Tokyo and ran for twelve episodes between January 7 and March 25, 2014. Additionally, a role-playing game titled Hamatora: Look at Smoking World developed by FuRyu will be released in July 2014.
The series takes place in the year 2014 when selected humans called Minimum Holders have been discovered to possess supernatural abilities. The story focuses on Minimum Holders—Nice and Murasaki who form a detective agency called "Hamatora" based in the Nowhere Café in Yokohama. The anime stars Ryōta Ōsaka, Wataru Hatano, Emiri Katō, Kiyono Yasuno, Jun Fukuyama, and Yuichi Nakamura among others.